Executive Recruitment Case Study

Head of HR at Allison Homes

Client Background

Amidst organisational changes, there was need for a new Head of HR to steer the Human Resources function. Allison Homes wanted support in identifying high calibre candidates and to leverage our expertise in navigating the senior HR candidate market.

The Head of HR needed to not only possess the required expertise but also align with the culture and values.

Client Challenges

Head of HR needed

Specific requirements, expertise and experience

Help in identifying high-calibre professionals

How we added value

High-quality candidates

Efficiency and speed

Enhanced candidate experience

Successful Head of HR hire

Our Approach

Our team meticulously crafted a recruitment strategy tailored to Allison Homes' needs, focusing on sourcing candidates with proven experience and a cultural fit. Leveraging our extensive network and industry knowledge, we identified a shortlist of five candidates, each meticulously vetted to ensure alignment with Allison Homes' requirements.

How we added value...​

High-Quality Candidates

Focusing on Allison Homes' requirements and culture, we presented candidates who were not only qualified but also aligned with the company's values and vision.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

Candidates experienced a seamless and professional recruitment journey, reflecting positively on the client's employer brand and creating a positive candidate experience.

Efficiency and Speed

The streamlined recruitment process, led by our specialist recruitment consultant, reduced time-to-hire and minimised the load on the hiring team, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities.

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