Is Working from Home for You?

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Is Working from Home for You?

  • Publish Date: about 4 years ago
  • Author:by Marc Kent

Home working was not a new concept, but clearly we were all forced to change our working habits drastically during lockdown and embrace it where we hadn’t before.

Marc Kent - Head of Commercial

What has been really clear, is people have proven how quickly they can adapt and how resilient they are.

What is also very clear, everyone’s circumstances are different and it just might not be something that certain people want to do all the time. For me personally, I have worked from home before and will continue to work from home in the future. Do I want to do so 100% of the time? Absolutely NOT.

I have been incredibility lucky over lockdown. Although the working day was at times long & intense, it brought with it a whole load of new challenges to face and adapt to accordingly. On a personal level, my wife gave birth to our 1st baby daughter just before lockdown – so I have been around more, seen her develop and been able to take some of the slack from my wife during a very special time for my family.

Working in a sales environment, where relationships and customer service is key, coming back to the office for me had an instant positive effect on the collaboration of ideas, sharing information was slicker and activity levels were high. I realised that I had missed the noise of conversations happening around me, working towards a common goal with others and influencing our direction. Being around good people is motivating and positive actions, encourage more with those around you.

Coming back to the office was a big step for me – small things, are BIG things at the moment for everyone I guess. It soon became clear that working back in the office gives you so many positive things, some obvious but some I didn’t even know I needed.