The best things about working in HR

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Best things about working in HR
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The best things about working in HR

  • Publish Date: over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Danielle Brown

What we love about working in the HR Sector 

Working in HR can be a very rewarding career but we know it can also sometimes be hard work. There are a lot of different “hats” you have to wear with a lot of balls in the air, ensuring not to drop any. And all of this is done at the same time you are supporting the business's biggest asset – the employees.

We’ve reached out to some HR professionals to find out why they love what they do working in HR.

The best things about working in HR

1. Helping people

“I love being able to help people every day and having the opportunity to make their working lives better, even if it is just in a small way.”

“I really like being able to help teams to develop and reach their full potential, this includes training individuals but also helping a manager grow and build or shape their team.”

2. Each day is different

“One of the things I love about HR is that it’s never the same each day. HR constantly changes or develops - from compliance or new laws or legislation, through to technology and not to mention our employee or employer expectations. It definitely keeps me on my toes! One thing I can say is, it’s never boring but always challenging. Each day is different and you never know what each day is going to bring.”

“HR is not an administration function, there is always admin to do, like most jobs, but we get involved with a lot of cross-functional projects so days are always different from one day to the next.”

3. Making a difference

“One of my favourite aspects of the job is making a difference in people’s lives. When I know I’m playing even just a small part in helping someone so they can be the best that they can be and help them to thrive, or add value to their working lives it really makes me feel valued.”

“I do a lot of work with early careers e.g. apprenticeships, graduate schemes etc and am part of the mentoring programmes. This is a really satisfying part of the job. It’s great to see the journey of 18-21-year-olds who start off as shy people flourish into a professional.”

4. Building relationships

"I enjoy the role as I get to interact with a variety of different people within the company – every day I’m given the chance to create meaningful and lasting relationships with those who are involved with every aspect of the business and build relationships with them. There are so many great people and characters who I’ve met whilst working in HR. I’ve really enjoyed working with all of them."

5. Problem-solving

“I believe that HR professionals are problem solvers. When dealing with challenging casework, we’re constantly learning and on the lookout to seek new ways to solve problems. I get to learn new things and solve complex problems that can impact all the people I work with.”

“A challenge to the role is balancing the business needs and doing the right thing by employees. We have to satisfy what the business wants but we influence “how” we get there, treating employees with respect and fairness – this is a great part of the HR function.”

6. Developing and coaching

"A great part of my job in HR is also when I’m able to develop and coach managers, knowing that the training I provide is going to stay with them for their career and have an impact on not only them but the people they interact with too."

7. Human behaviour

"Something that keeps me on my toes is the unpredictability of people/human behaviour. It has been a big learning curve for me in my career and something that I now know is to always expect the unexpected!"

8. Employee relations  

"I love dealing with unique employee relations cases – I love the challenge of new situations and the reward when a solution has been found."

9. Influencing

"Influencing managers with decisions is also another element of the HR role that I love! I'm able to get involved with all departments and meet lots of people and make a difference in everyone’s working lives."

10. Improving culture

“Another great element of the role is when you have an impact on improving the culture within the workplace. This is by far the most rewarded part of my HR role.”

“I love having a voice in the business people strategy. We get to shape how the company treat their people and then this flows down into the company culture.”

If you are a Human Resources professional or looking for your first HR job and want to explore the opportunities available for you, please get in touch with us today!

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