#BeYou | Imposter Syndrome

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#BeYou | Imposter Syndrome

  • Publish Date: over 1 year ago
  • Author:by The ONE Group

'Imposter Syndrome' is where professionals experience feelings of doubt in themselves or feeling like a fraud in their role, despite a career journey and plenty of evidence of their past achievements to contradict these thoughts.

Imposter Syndrome is a common phenomenon that affects many people, even those who have achieved significant success in their lives or careers. It's characterised by feelings of self-doubt, and inadequacy, and can sometimes appear as a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, even with evidence of one's competence. The danger of impostor syndrome can lead to you not believing in yourself enough to move onto the next step in your career journey or if invited to an interview, you feel like you’re unable to prove yourself.

The truth is, at first, any change will feel uncomfortable. If you fail to push yourself to grow or take the next step in your career, you might find yourself in the same role for longer than you should be.

This is where recruitment agencies can help. We have plenty of experience with professionals in similar roles and will know your capabilities compared to other professionals also available in the market. We will also know the skills and experience hiring managers are looking for as well as the values and culture of the companies.

If you feel imposter syndrome may be sneaking up on you during your job hunt here are some tips to try and beat Imposter Syndrome to confidentially #BeYou.

Recognise the signs...

The first step in overcoming imposter syndrome is to recognise when you're experiencing it. Common signs include feeling like you're not good enough, doubting your abilities, and worrying that you'll be exposed as a fraud.

Focus on your achievements...

Make a list of your strengths and accomplishments and keep it updated. This will help you see that you are continually capable and competent. You could even include the outcome of these and the impact they had.

Challenge your negative self-talk...

Whenever you hear that negative inner voice telling you that you're not good enough, challenge it. Remind yourself of your achievements and the hard work you put in to get where you are today. Remind yourself of the journey you have taken and what you accomplished to get to where you are now.

Talk to someone...

Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can help you feel less alone and more supported. Sometimes we can feel better when we get something out in the open, even if that person is just there to listen and doesn’t offer any advice on how to overcome your worries.

Learn to accept compliments...

Many people with imposter syndrome struggle to accept compliments, believing they don't deserve them. Practice accepting compliments graciously and learn to believe them. This can be difficult and doesn’t just have to be within the professional world. Try it with your friends and family until you become more comfortable and confident in accepting them.


The key takeaway? Remember that imposter syndrome is a common experience that many successful people face. By recognising it and challenging your negative self-talk, you can overcome it and realise the full potential of being you.

Ready to start your job search? Let us help guide you. Start a conversation with our team today by emailing your CV to info@theonegroup.co.uk or visit our jobs page.