Professional interim

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Temporary Recruitment: Senior Interims

​​During periods of change and leadership transition, maintaining an air of continuity and strong senior management can be tantamount to organisational success.To this end, we have seen a recent ri...

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Will you be treated fairly as a Temp?

One of the biggest questions that gets asked within the field of temporary work is: ‘Will you be treated fairly?”The answer is YES. As a temporary worker, you have rights! From the very beginning o...

Website Blog Images (900 × 400px) (13)
Working Remotely as a Temp

​Being a temporary candidate in a new working environment can be tough as it is, without throwing working from home in the mix! After your initial training and when working remotely, you’ll find t...

Professional Interim
Professional Interim – a great choice for your career

​Did you know you can become self-employed without having to start up your own business? This is an option for many professionals who have extensive expertise and experience under their belt and ar...

The rise and fall of IR35
The rise and fall (and then rise) of IR35

​A reminder of how it all began … Chapter 8In the late 1990s HMRC (or Inland Revenue as it was known then) started noticing a trend in employees leaving their employment and setting up limited co...

Professional interims
Making temporary contracts work for you

​Many organisations hire professional interims to help them carry out projects that require specialised expertise or specific skill sets; implementing new IT systems, performance improvement, risk ...

Benefits of a Professional Interim
The benefits of taking on a Professional Interim whilst waiting for your permanent hire

​We've seen a rise in organisations seeking professional interim placements to help maintain consistency during their permanent recruitment process. Professional interims are known for their highly...

Recruitment agency
Why use a recruitment agency? The business benefits

​We know that recruiting new employees can be a costly and time-consuming process that can eat up a lot of your internal resources. As companies are always on the lookout for the best of the best i...